One of the everlasting human dreams is a dream about a perfect world. New technology made possible not just to visualize like in a movie but actually to be a part of that virtual better place.
The application of the virtual reality is huge. Fist of all, it is games. Webkinz, Barber world, Virtual pet shops are some of them which are well described in the Toys with a Second Life BusinessWeek’s article.
Medicine is trying to use the virtual reality. For example, we discussed a CNN report about how virtual interaction helps patients suffering from autism (iRepot: ‘Naughty Auties’ battle autism with virtual interaction).
An example of how corporations uses virtual world is the online virtual worlds for training. Thus, IBM is creating its own “virtual world” technology for employee training (IBM Learning Programs Get a ‘Second Life’).
All these examples are just a few of the variety of other possible ways of how society may benefit from the virtual worlds technology. On the other hand, there could be some potential threats. For example, kids under age of eight have difficulties to distinguish between what is real and what is not real. They could believe that a man has several lives and therefore shooting a person is not a problem. That is why it is necessary to know what the kid is playing and be ready to explain what is real and what is just a game. Moreover, the games are addictive. It is another problem, which concerns not only kids but also adults.
I believe the future of the virtual world technology is tremendous. I think that one day the technology will allow the user to involve all senses not just vision and hearing. It definitely will be used even more than today in education, and in professional trainings.
Sometimes the dreams are coming true. The virtual reality may help some of our dreams to come true.
Citron Plant
6 months ago
Marina what about the obesity because of the Virtual world kids are getting sick, i mean they are gaining weight, this is another major problen in the virtual world.isn't it. But no doubt about it that virtual world has had so much potential.