I have never visited any social networks before, though I have planned to do so. For different reasons I had no time for this kind of activity. Today, thanks to our professor, I finally did some social networking. I have registered with
Friendsters, and
Odnaklassniki. Everyone knows about the first three networks on my list. The fourth one,
Odnoklassniki, is a social network for Russian speaking people who were disbursted all over the world after the collapse of the Soviet Union. I found that all of these sites have lot in common. Each of them is a way of communication without borders, with ease of sharing pictures and music. However, I can not say I enjoyed social networking. Though I understand that it is a perfect way to find an old friend, classmate or co-worker you did not see for many years. Navigating around these networks and watching other people's conversations, which are mostly about nothing, I caught myself thinking about the problem of social discociation of Americans, especially in urban regions. Hopefully, social networking may solve, at least partially, the problem.
I have never met anyone who had not visited a networking site! I am glad I can say now i do, and thanks to our class we are getting the info out on everything that is new media. I also joined twiter and Vles