The old media and the new media are like two civilizations: one is ancient and another is advanced. We can distinguish “new media” from the “old media” based on the following factors:
1. The new media is in digital form. The old media is in analog form
It is like portrait of Mona Lisa by Leonardo vs. avatar, image generated by computer.2. The new media is a two-way communication. The old media is a one-way communication.
For example, newspaper like New York Times issued periodically by professional journalists to be consumed by the public vs. internet blogs issued any time by anyone to be consumed and responded to by anybody.
3. The new media is easy convertible. The old media is hard to manipulate.
For instance, you can compress, transform, (mashup), transfer, create links when dealing with the new media. Old media is more permanent product. As the old proverb says: “You can not throw out the words out of the book. "
However, it doesn't mean that the old media is replaced by the new media. Both the new and the old media have right to exist and have their own audience and application.
Marina i very nice postin, but i think the old media will lose their audience, it is just matter of time. Think about the TV, people are thinking about installing internet on the TV.